
This modules defines functions for reading and writing samples that the inference samplers generate.

class, mode=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: h5py._hl.files.File

A subclass of the h5py.File object that has extra functions for handling reading and writing the samples from the samplers.

  • path (str) – The path to the HDF file.
  • mode ({None, str}) – The mode to open the file, eg. “w” for write and “r” for read.

Returns the saved autocorelation length (ACL).

Returns:acl – The ACL.
Return type:{int, float}

Returns number of iterations in the burn in.


Returns the (last) saved command line.

If the file was created from a run that resumed from a checkpoint, only the last command line used is returned.

Returns:cmd – The command line that created this InferenceFile.
Return type:string
copy(other, parameters=None, parameter_names=None, posterior_only=False, **kwargs)[source]

Copies data in this file to another file.

The samples and stats to copy may be down selected using the given kwargs. All other data (the “metadata”) are copied exactly.

  • other (str or InferenceFile) – The file to write to. May be either a string giving a filename, or an open hdf file. If the former, the file will be opened with the write attribute (note that if a file already exists with that name, it will be deleted).
  • parameters (list of str, optional) – List of parameters to copy. If None, will copy all parameters.
  • parameter_names (dict, optional) – Rename one or more parameters to the given name. The dictionary should map parameter -> parameter name. If None, will just use the original parameter names.
  • posterior_only (bool, optional) – Write the samples and model stats as flattened arrays, and set other’s posterior_only attribute. For example, if this file has a parameter’s samples written to {samples_group}/{param}/walker{x}, then other will have all of the selected samples from all walkers written to {samples_group}/{param}/.
  • **kwargs – All other keyword arguments are passed to read_samples.

The open file handler to other.

Return type:



Copies all metadata from this file to the other file.

Metadata is defined as all data that is not in either the samples or stats group.

Parameters:other (InferenceFile) – An open inference file to write the data to.
get_slice(thin_start=None, thin_interval=None, thin_end=None)[source]

Formats a slice using the given arguments that can be used to retrieve a thinned array from an InferenceFile.

  • thin_start ({None, int}) – The starting index to use. If None, will try to retrieve the burn_in_iterations from the given file. If no burn_in_iterations exists, will default to the start of the array.
  • thin_interval ({None, int}) – The interval to use. If None, will try to retrieve the acl from the given file. If no acl attribute exists, will default to 1.
  • thin_end ({None, int}) – The end index to use. If None, will retrieve to the end of the array.

The slice needed.

Return type:



Returns whether or not the sampler is burned in.


Returns the log of the evidence and its error, if they exist in the file. Raises a KeyError otherwise.


Returns the log noise likelihood.


Returns the name of the model that was used.


Returns the number of independent samples stored in the file.

name = 'hdf'

Returns number of iterations performed.

Returns:niterations – Number of iterations performed.
Return type:int

Returns number of temperatures used.


Returns number of walkers used.

Returns:nwalkesr – Number of walkers used.
Return type:int

Whether the file only contains flattened posterior samples.


Returns the acceptance fraction that was written to the file.

Parameters:**kwargs – All keyword arguments are passed to the sampler’s read_acceptance_fraction function.
Returns:The acceptance fraction.
Return type:numpy.array

Returns all of the individual chains’ acls. See the read_acls function of this file’s sampler for more details.

read_label(parameter, error_on_none=False)[source]

Returns the label for the parameter.

  • parameter (str) – Name of parameter to get a label for. Will first try to retrieve a label from this file’s “label” attributes. If the parameter is not found there, will look for a label from pycbc.waveform.parameters.
  • error_on_none ({False, bool}) – If True, will raise a ValueError if a label cannot be found, or if the label is None. Otherwise, the parameter will just be returned if no label can be found.

label – A formatted string for the name of the paramter.

Return type:



Reads model stats from self.

Parameters:**kwargs – The keyword args are passed to the sampler’s read_model_stats method.
Returns:stats – Likelihood stats in the file, as a FieldArray. The fields of the array are the names of the stats that are in the model_stats group.
Return type:{FieldArray, None}

Reads the state of the random number generator from the file.

Parameters:group (str) – Name of group to read random state from.
Returns:A tuple with 5 elements that can be passed to numpy.set_state.
Return type:tuple
read_samples(parameters, samples_group=None, **kwargs)[source]

Reads samples from the file.

  • parameters ((list of) strings) – The parameter(s) to retrieve. A parameter can be the name of any field in samples_group, a virtual field or method of FieldArray (as long as the file contains the necessary fields to derive the virtual field or method), and/or a function of these.
  • samples_group (str) – Group in HDF InferenceFile that parameters belong to.
  • **kwargs – The rest of the keyword args are passed to the sampler’s read_samples method.

Samples for the given parameters, as an instance of a FieldArray.

Return type:



The iterations at which a run was resumed from checkpoint.

Returns:resume_points – An array of integers giving the points at which the run resumed.
Return type:array or None
Raises:KeyError – If the run never resumed from a checkpoint.

Returns the sampler class that was used.

sampler_group = 'sampler_states'

Returns the name of the sampler that was used.

samples_group = 'samples'

Returns the class to use to read/write samples from/to the file.


Returns the parameters that were used to sample.

Returns:sampling_params – List of the sampling params.
Return type:{list, str}

Returns a dictionary of the static_params. The keys are the argument names, values are the value they were set to.

stats_group = 'model_stats'

Returns list of variable_params.

Returns:variable_params – List of str that contain variable_params keys.
Return type:{list, str}

Writes command line to attributes.

The command line is written to the file’s attrs['cmd']. If this attribute already exists in the file (this can happen when resuming from a checkpoint), attrs['cmd'] will be a list storing the current command line and all previous command lines.

write_data(strain_dict=None, stilde_dict=None, psd_dict=None, low_frequency_cutoff_dict=None, group=None)[source]

Writes the strain/stilde/psd.

  • strain_dict ({None, dict}) – A dictionary of strains. If None, no strain will be written.
  • stilde_dict ({None, dict}) – A dictionary of stilde. If None, no stilde will be written.
  • psd_dict ({None, dict}) – A dictionary of psds. If None, no psds will be written.
  • low_freuency_cutoff_dict ({None, dict}) – A dictionary of low frequency cutoffs used for each detector in psd_dict; must be provided if psd_dict is not None.
  • group ({None, str}) – The group to write the strain to. If None, will write to the top level.
write_injections(injection_file, ifo)[source]

Writes injection parameters for an IFO to file.

  • injection_file (str) – Path to HDF injection file.
  • ifo (str) – IFO name.
write_psd(psds, low_frequency_cutoff, group=None)[source]

Writes PSD for each IFO to file.

  • psds ({dict, FrequencySeries}) – A dict of FrequencySeries where the key is the IFO.
  • low_frequency_cutoff ({dict, float}) – A dict of the low-frequency cutoff where the key is the IFO. The minimum value will be stored as an attr in the File.
  • group ({None, str}) – The group to write the strain to. If None, will write to the top level.
write_random_state(group=None, state=None)[source]

Writes the state of the random number generator from the file.

  • group (str) – Name of group to read random state to.
  • state (tuple, optional) – Specify the random state to write. If None, will use numpy.random.get_state().

Keeps a list of the number of iterations that were in a file when a run was resumed from a checkpoint.

write_stilde(stilde_dict, group=None)[source]

Writes stilde for each IFO to file.

  • stilde ({dict, FrequencySeries}) – A dict of FrequencySeries where the key is the IFO.
  • group ({None, str}) – The group to write the strain to. If None, will write to the top level.
write_strain(strain_dict, group=None)[source]

Writes strain for each IFO to file.

  • strain ({dict, FrequencySeries}) – A dict of FrequencySeries where the key is the IFO.
  • group ({None, str}) – The group to write the strain to. If None, will write to the top level.[source]

Checks the integrity of an InferenceFile.

Checks done are:

  • can the file open?
  • do all of the datasets in the samples group have the same shape?
  • can the first and last sample in all of the datasets in the samples group be read?

If any of these checks fail, an IOError is raised.


filename (str) – Name of an InferenceFile to check.

  • ValueError – If the given file does not exist.
  • KeyError – If the samples group does not exist.
  • IOError – If any of the checks fail.