Source code for gwin.sampler.mcmc

# Copyright (C) 2017  Vivien Raymond
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================

This modules provides classes and functions for using a MCMC sampler
for parameter estimation.

import numpy
import logging

from .base import BaseMCMCSampler

# =============================================================================
#                                   Samplers
# =============================================================================

[docs]class MCMCSampler(BaseMCMCSampler): """This class is used to construct the MCMC sampler. Parameters ---------- model : Model A model from ``gwin.models``. """ name = "mcmc" def __init__(self, model): self._chain = [] self._blobs = [] # Using p0 to store the last sample would require to store separately # the last posterior value. self._lastsample = [] self._lastblob = [] sampler = self # initialize super(MCMCSampler, self).__init__(sampler, model) self.dtype = numpy.dtype([(name, None) for name in ('lnpost',) + self.sampling_params]) # Harcoding the number of walkers to 1. # nwalkers should not be a BaseMCMCSampler property. self._nwalkers = 1
[docs] @classmethod def from_cli(cls, opts, model, pool=None, model_call=None): """Create an instance of this sampler from the given command-line options. Parameters ---------- opts : ArgumentParser options The options to parse. model : Model A model from ``gwin.models``. Returns ------- MCMCSampler A MCMC sampler initialized based on the given arguments. """ return cls(model)
@property def chain(self): """This function should return the past samples as a [additional dimensions x] niterations x ndim array, where ndim are the number of sampling params, niterations the number of iterations, and additional dimensions are any additional dimensions used by the sampler (e.g, walkers, temperatures). """ # Adding the nwalkers dimention, and converting to an ndarray. return self._chain[list(self.sampling_params)].view( numpy.float).reshape((1,) + self._chain.shape + (-1,)) # Copy needed to avoid numpy 1.13 warning @property def blobs(self): """This function should return the blobs with a shape nwalkers x niteration as requested by the BaseMCMCSampler class. """ # Adding the nwalkers dimention. return [self._blobs]
[docs] def clear_chain(self): """This function should clear the current chain of samples from memory. """ # store the iteration that the clear is occuring on self.lastclear = self.niterations self._chain = [] self._blobs = []
@property def niterations(self): """Get the current number of iterations.""" return len(self._chain)+self.lastclear @property def lnpost(self): """This function should return the natural logarithm of the likelihood function used by the sampler as an [additional dimensions] x niterations array. """ return self._chain['lnpost'] @property def p0(self): """Since this is just a single chain, forces p0 to have shape (nparams,). """ p0 = super(MCMCSampler, self).p0 if p0.ndim == 2: p0 = p0.flatten() return p0
[docs] def run(self, niterations): """This function should run the sampler. """ if not self._lastsample: # first time running, use the initial positions # set_p0() was called in pycbc_inference, so self.p0 is set result = self.model(self.p0) try: logplr, blob = result except TypeError: # model doesn't return blobs logplr = result blob = None"Starting logplr value %f", logplr) start_sample = numpy.insert(self.p0, 0, logplr) start = 0 else: start_sample = self._lastsample start = -1 # So restarts do not re-write the same sample. blob = self._lastblob self._chain = numpy.empty(niterations, dtype=self.dtype) # numpy >=1.14 only accepts tuples self._chain[start] = tuple(start_sample) self._blobs = [None]*niterations self._blobs[start] = blob for i in range(start, niterations-1): logplr_old = self._chain['lnpost'][i] # As _chain is a structured numpy array and self.sampling_params is # a tuple, a list() conversion is needed here. # This is not ideal being in the inner loop. samples = self._chain[list(self.sampling_params)][i] # Dummy proposal samples_prop = [sample + numpy.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0) for sample in samples] result = self.model(samples_prop) try: logplr_prop, blob = result except TypeError: # model doesn't return blobs logplr_prop = result blob = None acceptance_ratio = numpy.exp(logplr_prop - logplr_old) u = numpy.random.uniform() if acceptance_ratio >= u: self._chain[i+1] = numpy.insert(samples_prop, 0, logplr_prop) self._blobs[i+1] = blob"Step %i, acceptance ratio %f >= %f, accepted", i+1, acceptance_ratio, u) else: self._chain[i+1] = self._chain[i] self._blobs[i+1] = self._blobs[i]"Step %i, acceptance ratio %f < %f, rejected", i+1, acceptance_ratio, u) self._lastsample = self._chain[-1] self._lastblob = self._blobs[-1] return
[docs] def write_acceptance_fraction(self, fp, start_iteration=None, max_iterations=None): # Overwrite the BaseMCMCSampler function since we do not compute the # required acceptance fraction. pass